菖蒲精油Calamus essential oil 肉桂油Cinnamon oil 鼠尾草油Clary Sage oil 丁香油 Clove 桉树油(桉树属)Eucalyptus 欧洲狼尾草European Pennyroyal oil 香叶油 Bitter almond 辣根油 Horseradish oil 日本紫杉Japanese yew oil 薰衣草Lavender oil 柠檬油Lemon oil 柠檬香草油Lemongrass oil 石灰油(柑橘)Lime oils 芥子...
Lemongrass has a high level of citral, an oil used in mosquito repellents. The plant tastes great in soups and other dishes. Houseplants That Are Toxic to Cats This list includes only some of thehouseplantsthat are considered unsafe for cats; there are many more. However, these are some of...