(redirected fromKyrgyz Air, Kyrgyzstan) AcronymDefinition KAFKandahar Airfield(Afghanistan) KAFKreate-A-Fighter(gaming) KAFKuwait Air Force KAFKenya Air Force KAFKnee-Ankle-Foot(orthotics) KAFKing Arthur Flour Company, Inc.(Norwich, VT) KAFKyrgyz Air, Kyrgyzstan(ICAO code) ...
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, Representatives of the European Commission in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, TEMPUS TACIS. More than 100 university administrators, academicians, representatives of Ministry 会议由总统吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国,教育部和文化在卡扎克斯坦和Kyrgyzstan, TEMPUS TACIS...
” For decades, even centuries, Central Asia has been out of focus, a blank on the map of empires. Just as the introduction from Turusbek Mamashov, from the Tourism agency of the president of the Kyrgyz Republic, says, “Throughout this Fashion Week project, we need to create a ...
Hello, my name is Veronika, I am citizen of Kyrgyz Republic, my fiance work...
The Kalpak – or Ak Kalpak — a hat for men of all ages. The Kalpak is worn in Kyrgyzstan as an element of everyday wardrobe or festive attire. “Ak” – in the Kyrgyz language means “white”, and also “pure”, and “Kalpak“ means “cap”, or literally “Felt Hat”. The hat...
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, Representatives of the European Commission in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, TEMPUS TACIS. More than 100 university administrators, academicians, representatives of Ministry 会议由总统吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国,教育部和文化在卡扎克斯坦和Kyrgyzstan, TEMPUS TACIS...
The areas of Uzbekistan along its borders (which are aplenty since it is a landlocked country) are not safe. This doesn’t apply only to areas bordering Afghanistan, but also to all borders and areas bordering Tajikistan, Tajik, Kyrgyz, and Kyrgyzstan. They may be land-mined, there have ...
The Saudi Embassy in Kyrgyzstan hosted celebrations at the Kyrgyz State History Museum, attended by the Kingdom’s Ambassador Ibrahim bin Radi Al-Radi. Also present were several Kyrgyz officials, heads of diplomatic missions, media representatives, and mission staff. ...
Lepeshka is the traditional round bread, and a natural first stop on our tour, as bread is a very important part of a Kyrgyz meal. It is actually seen as sacred, and it is considered impolite to leave bread behind after a meal. Either you finish it, or you take it with you. Two ...
ky-KG 0x0440 Kyrgyz - Kyrgyzstan lv 0x0026 Latvian lv-LV 0x0426 Latvian - Latvia lt 0x0027 Lithuanian lt-LT 0x0427 Lithuanian - Lithuania mk 0x002F Macedonian mk-MK 0x042F Macedonian - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ms 0x003E Malay ms-BN 0x083E Malay - Brunei ms-MY 0x04...