This strategy might be used in a specific brain target area throughout a HIIT program in rodents, allowing us to follow the BDNF kinetic on the same animal. However, potential clinical application of such technology in exercise condition still remains difficult to imagine in the short term, ...
问题描述:胸口右手边一直在跳,而且还有时会疼。这是什么情况?(女,52岁) 分析及建议: 这个考虑是神经性疼痛,一般不严重,注意休息观察观察,一般都是劳累或者休息不好容易诱发,这个也不是遗传病,建议完善心肺功能检查。 咨询时间: 2017-12-08 患者 胸口右手边一直在跳,而且还有时会疼。这是什么情况?(女,52岁...