Interoperability.Kotlin interoperates with Java because they compile to the same byte code. Kotlin can be compiled into JavaScript or an LLVMencoder, which enables programmers to performjust-in-time compilingto ensure that code embedded in another program runs smoothly. It also shares tooling with J...
Kotlin geospatial-messenger - Geospatial messenger application written with Spring Boot + Kotlin + PostgreSQL. Lets-Plot - An open-source, ggplot2-style plotting library which includes a support of GeoToos features and geometries. Lisp cl-ewkb - Common Lisp PostGIS EWKB data model and encoder/dec...
Both versions, Groovy and Kotlin DSL, of the whole working examplecan be found on GitHub. Goal We want to serve the JavaScript frontend application as static resources from the Java backend application. The full production package, i.e. a fat JAR containing all the resources, should be automa...
UsingIntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.5(Ultimate): I have decided to create aSpring Bootproject usingGradlebuild tool with theKotlin DSL(as the Gradle manual says: "Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA users should consider using Kotlin DSL build scr...
incorrect compiler behavior. We’re carefully studying the impact of all the changes in behavior between the old and new K2 frontends and making additional efforts to replicate the old behavior whenever possible, even when we don’t like it, if it might affect a sizable number of Kotlin ...
As indicated inour libraries roadmap, we’re going tostabilize the Duration API in Kotlin 1.6.0, which means this is the last chance to give it a try and share your feedback with us on anything you’d like changed. We would appreciate your feedback inthis KEEP. ...
Spring Fu is an incubator for new Spring features about Kotlin and functional bean registration. Its main feature is an alternative way of configuring Spring Boot applications with Kotlin DSL and lambdas instead of annotations:Kofu (forKotlin andfunctional) configuration. Other features likeCoroutinesor...
We need to display aToDoModelto the user. And, in this sample app, we want to use fragments for that. So, we have aDisplayFragmentthat will fill that role. ThatDisplayFragmenthas its own layout and viewmodel, just like an activity might. The Java/Kotlin code for the fragment is a bit...
#3) Clean Syntax:Kotlin has a concise less verbose syntax, as opposed to other languages like Java which is more verbose.For example– the Kotlin code does not require semicolons, you don’t need to specify return types if it’s a void type, etc. ...
Much like Kotlin, Scala was created to replace Java and its many issues. It’s a powerful, multi-purpose language, but it’s much more concise. Though you can use it for the same systems as Java, it’s mostly used forbig data processingand machine learning. ...