#5) Extension Functions:In Kotlin, you can add new functionalities to an existing class using Extension functions. In most languages for adding new functionality to an existing class, you would inherit the class in a separate class and add new functionality. In Kotlin this can be achieved using...
The language also supports higher-order functions, anonymous functions, lambdas, inline functions, closures, tail recursion, and generics. In other words, Kotlin has all of the features and advantages of a functional language. For example, consider the following functional Kotlin idioms. Filtering a...
Kotlin was designed to be a better language than Java and interoperable with Java. Its simplicity and interoperability were the incentives to learn Kotlin. The intention was that Java developers and their organizations could gradually transition to the new language without having to worry about incompa...
Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or uses the LLVMcompiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrainsprogrammers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Google to introduce in...
We’ve been working on a new frontend for the Kotlin compiler (code-named “K2”) for quite a while. The new frontend is already available for preview – we’re continually polishing and stabilizing it and plan to make it the default compiler frontend in
Tile38 - Tile38 is a geospatial database, spatial index, and realtime geofence. TimescaleDB - An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Mobile Develop Tools Android ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin - Build 2D and 3D mapping applications for Android devi...
Google says that Kotlin is “a brilliantly designed, mature language that we believe will make Android development faster and more fun.” More detailsat JetBrains’ website: Today, at the Google I/O keynote, the Android team announced first-class support for Kotlin. We believe this is a gre...
LanguageDetector is a very simple to use text language detector which uses the Hierarchical Attention Networks (HAN) from the SimpleDNN library. - KotlinNLP/LanguageDetector
针对你遇到的问题“kotlin: language version 1.1 is no longer supported; please, use version 1.3”,这里提供详细的解决步骤: 理解错误信息: 错误信息表明你的项目当前使用的Kotlin版本1.1已不再受支持,需要升级到版本1.3或更高版本。 检查项目配置: 对于Gradle项目,打开build.gradle或build.gradle.kts文件。 查...
We are extremely pleased to present Kotlin 1.0 Beta for JVM and Android! To recap: Kotlin is a modern programming language that JetBrains has been working on for quite some time now. This post gives