If you ever have any issue with a device, Apple-made or otherwise, a simple restart almost always helps. Restarting your iPhone may not completely solve your battery drain issue, but it's likely to give it a bit of a boost. If you run into trouble trying to turn your iPhone off and ...
endpoint unix:///var/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock images IMAGE TAG IMAGE ID SIZE docker.io/rancher/coredns-coredns 1.8.0 a0ce6ab869a69 11.9MB docker.io/rancher/klipper-helm v0.4.3 0bdabf617c29a 47.7MB docker.io/rancher/klipper-lb v0.1.2 7d23a14d38d24 2.58MB docker.io/rancher/...
Raspberry Pi 3/4, or Zero W. Any of these will work with Klipper software as it's got a fairly light overhead. Display - FYSETC V2.1 Mini 12864 is what I have on hand. The wiring to the SRK mini E3 V2 is a bit weird. There is a board that plugs into the USB on the Pi th...
加拿大乐队比客战车Billy Klippert翻唱的。 把战争比作死亡,用玫瑰比喻爱情。 分享151 死神吧 心有灵犀一点彤 Love, and saffron zero team responding to a black heartGood looking Death, 分享41赞 30stm吧 110终结者 【歌词翻译计划最终话】A Beautiful Lie(2005) 30秒上火星出品,《美丽的谎言》,专辑封面...
Edit to add: I have a Bambu P1P with P1S conversion kit and multiple Klipper printers, all with at least one camera. I have a Home Assistant Lovelace page set up to be able to monitor all of them. This is just to say that I give the Home Assistant Bambu integration a decent work...
It may also bypass the SHA hash check. Practically speaking, I'm currently trying to get Klipper running, and it would be a much easier task if I could see how the bootloader works. Another reason I could use the source is that the bootloader that shipped on my Mini+ was v1.1.0, ...
remove line:https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/blob/3233ec08f4a7165d54413e7a24b0021053604053/klippy/extras/thermistor.py#L118 Add it back as a "resistance sensor" someplace like here:https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper/blob/3233ec08f4a7165d54413e7a24b0021053604053/klippy/extras/adc...