An allergen from Olea europaea pollen (Ole e 7) is associated with plant-derived food anaphylaxis. Allergy 2002; 57 (Suppl. 71): 53-9.JF Florido Lopez, J Quiralte Enriquez, JM Arias de Saavedra Alias, B Saenz de San Pedro, E Martin Casanez: An allergen from Olea europaea pollen (...
Kiwi fruit should be considered a significant food allergen, capable of causing severe reactions, particularly in young children. DBPCFC confirmed allergy to kiwi fruit in 53% of the subjects tested, who had a previous history suggestive of kiwi allergy. Skin testing with fresh fruit has good ...
M. oryzae-secreted protein MoHrip1 can improve plant defense as an elicitor in vitro, however, its biological function in fungal infection is not clear. In this study, we found that the expression of mohrip1 was significantly induced in the stages of fungal penetration and colonization. Although...
intensityofavoidancestrategies.Werecently puhlishedonthecaseofawomansufferingfromanaphylaxisaftercontactwithminuteamounts ofkiwijuice.Thekiwijuicewaspresentonaknifethathadheenusedsometimeearliertocut akiwi.Thepatientherselfwasnotevenusingkiwitoprepareafruitsalad;shemerelyused theknifewithkiwijuiceonit.Insuchcases,...
The most frequently reported symptoms in kiwi SPT-positive children were cutaneous (n = 10, 58.8%) followed by gastrointestinal (n = 6, 35.3%) and bronchial (n = 4, 23.5%). Oral symptoms were reported in six (35.3%) children. All children with kiwifruit positive SPTs were found ...
kiwi fruitdigestionstabilityE-64BACKGROUND: Actinidin is a cysteine protease and major allergen from kiwi fruit. When purified under specific native conditions, actinidin preparations from fresh kiwi fruit contain both an active and inactive form of this enzyme. In this study, biochemical and ...
allergenBet v 1-likekirolakiwifruitBackground: Kiwifruit is an important cause of food allergy. A high amount of a protein with a molecular mass compatible with that of Bet v 1 was observed in the kiwifruit extract.Objective: To identify and characterize kirola, the 17-kDa protein of green ...