- And I have to really emphasize what's special about it is Kiryu coming back, because fans have been following his journey. He is the Yakuza series, truly, until Like a Dragon. And it will thread that story before we hit Infinite Wealth, which is exciting. But there's a lot of loo...
is a detective, so yes, the player is tasked with searching for clues, tailing & chasing suspects, taking photos, picking locks, and infiltrating hideouts, which contrasts a bit to Kiryu’s more heavy handed method of solving problems in theYakuzagames. And yes, the game stars an almost c...
I don’t know if this is the same kind of situation as in Yakuza— Kiryu doesn’t kill a single guy in 0 apparently, impossible to believe even after the first chapter alone. Rally and May don’t seem exactly like stone cold killers, but they don’t hesitate to go up against Natasha...
Ryu (Phantom of the Server):Back in the day, I never saw myself using a shoto character. Then, I started fighting more normal opponents and Ryu was actually surprisingly fun to pick up. Spiders still scare him, though. Yuka Takeuchi (Nyan☆Kiryu):I became interested in trying her out ...