Is Khatri a high caste? According to Scott Cameron Levi, Khatris were considered to be Kshatriyas,the second-highest varna in the Indian social hierarchy, below only the Brahmans despite their participation in occupations similar to those of the Bania communities.Veena Talwar Oldenburg states that...
Untouchability is the practice ofostracising a group of peopleregarded as 'untouchables', as ascribed in the Vedic Hindu literature to persons of "high caste" or to persons excluded from the caste system resulting in the segregation and persecutions from the people regarded as "higher" caste. W...
SM4 B'ful fair slim Brahmin Widow I'less 42/5'3 Mcom Govt officer Caste no bar # 0000000000, 0000000000 WANTED GROOMS GENERAL RELIGION NO BAR SM4 Fair Pb Khatri girl 27/5'4"/Delhi. Living in US, SF on work visa, H'some package, ivy League MBA. Lkg for equally qlfd. match havin...
or the more intangible way a great film can make you empathize with a stranger's struggle,” said Cara Cusumano, Festival Director. "In an election year where we will go to the polls to make big decisions
Lord Shri Ram was born in Tretayuga. His moving birth chart was in the highest seventh house of the high. Which is a Manglik defect.
according toPew Research. Middle class consumption has been a key driver of economic growth in India. Erosion of the middle class will likely have a significant long-term impact on the country's economy. “India, at the end of the day, is a consumption story,” says Tanvee Gupta Jain, ...