Investors should also take note of KGC's average 20-day trading volume. Volume is a useful item in many ways, and the 20-day average establishes a good price-to-volume baseline; a rising stock with above average volume is generally a bullish sign, whereas a declining stock on above averag...
The direction of a stock's earnings estimate revisions should always be a key factor when choosing which stocks to buy, since the Scores were created to work together with the Zacks Rank. A stock with a #4 (Sell) or #5 (Strong Sell) rating, for instance, even one with Scores of A ...
One has to choose almost zero interest options (e.g., money markets with big negative real rate these days), or allocate to stock (growth, global, social responsible, etc.), or bond funds. TIAA-CREF actually warned clients in 2020 that they would loose money to inflation and fees if...
By itself, the water is probably worth 10 times what the stock is selling for. The gold is worth more than that. So we're talking about a big multiple either way. Exeter is cleanly financed and has no debt. Somebody is going to come along. There's Kinross Gold Corp. (K:TSX; KG...
KGC is a #2 (Buy) on the Zacks Rank, with a VGM Score of A. Momentum investors should take note of this Basic Materials stock. KGC has a Momentum Style Score of A, and shares are up 5.9% over the past four weeks. For fiscal 2024, eight analysts revised their earnings estimate upwa...
Stock to Watch: Kinross Gold (KGC) Based in Ontario, Canada, Kinross Gold Corporation is involved in the exploration and operation of gold mines. It ranks among the top 10 gold mining companies in the world, with a 2023 production of around 2.1 million gold equivalent ounces. The company's...
Stock to Watch: Kinross Gold (KGC) Based in Ontario, Canada, Kinross Gold Corporation is involved in the exploration and operation of gold mines. It ranks among the top 10 gold mining companies in the world, with a 2023 production of around 2.1 million gold equivalent ounces. The company's...