It is believed to be really similar to Earth.It brings hopes of finding life elsewhere in the universe.The planet, which is about 60 percent bigger than Earth, is located 1,400 light years away in the constellation Cygnus (天鹅座). It was discovered by astronomers using NASA's Kepler ...
Kepler 452b Is the Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Yet. So What?Sarah Zhang
leaveforKepler-452b 12月14日 12:47 来自Android 感觉人就应该这样活着 @见过世面 #在极光下滑冰是种什么体验# 芬兰极光猎人Jarcce 在碎钻般的冰面上滑行,头顶星光璀璨、极光绚烂……这一幕真的太梦幻了!#好运2025# 7493 702 ñ11840 12月12日 18:50 来自微博视频号 û收藏 ...