mr komatsu michihiko mr lee shu fai geo mr medicott mr momosaki kenshi co mr moores on the othe mr prayerless mr socrate mr steak concept - tv mr tam wai yip mr wilfried hein mr zivago - tell by y mrgrumpy mrlees side of the st mrsmith goes to washi mrprentice mrc memoryrequestco...
PS: 484862 kenshi吧 RevengeCZ 【更正】关方围鸡关于奴隶招募大法的细节说明 v2.0自以为资料看得蛮全的我竟然有这么大的疏漏……主要是没想到会归类在这一块,我是在尝试查角色数据分布的时候无意间点到的。虽然也是源自国外爱好者的总结,但数据貌似部分来自FCS,应该是可靠的。 (刚意识到上一帖关于技能等级...
At theend of theMortal Kombat 11Aftermath expansion, Liu Kang beats Shang Tsung and decides to reset the Mortal Kombat timeline. Mortal Kombat 1picks up eons after this in Liu Kang’s “new era” and begins with Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi being recruited and trained for the...
Dark and Darkeris currently split into three separate queues for solo and grouped players. At most, three players can queue in a single group for the Trio matchmaking, where they will face three additional teams of three. However, solo and duo players can also queue for trios, leading to a...
This means that – canonically – the player character never loses in gameplay. Without some way to provide setbacks via cutscenes, you’d wind up with a story where the protagonist is infallible. Yes, the Gameplay is The Story, but the corollary to that is that the Audience is the Protago...
day one, kameo fighters have been a constant intrigue for me, and it thrills me to say that it’s a much-welcome addition that adds new depth to fights. In the story, Raiden served as my kameo fighter, whereas Frost and Sonya filled that role when using Kitana and Kenshi, respectively...
when I saw that Mount & Blade was made by two people I thought "it's feasable, then" and it's pretty much what eventually tipped me over into getting started. The plan for Winterfall was to go for scaled releases over time, like M&B did, or Kenshi eventually did. I love that he...
You can 184 kenshi吧 樽彼勒大祭司 [MOD汉化] Living World CN 9238317 乔什卢卡斯吧 小白VSJLU 乔什绝密飞行的采访报道 据说拍摄时用了道具航母 惊动了中国...我英文不好 拿翻译器看的 Flashing a movie-star smile and more charm than a snake-handler, Josh Lucas has ascended the Hollywood s 分享7...
As you would expec 分享回复2 kenshi吧 jilywoo 【游戏更新日志】官网11.27We’ve made some real headway with the pathfinding this month, we just need to fix a few more bugs and crashes to finish up. Hopefully the n 分享52 billboard吧 贴吧用户_08bCt78 【Billboard】Metacritic - NME5星满分...
- Austrian UA balance changes: o Increase the cost of a City-State by a 分享201 royal_ordnance吧 tyfx1993 一战/二战炮兵装备(英军篇)首先镇楼图: 分享283 kenshi吧 相顾一笑º王权 啃食更新1.033,这是更新内容(纯搬运)This patch includes a number of changes which have passed the previous ...