Alpha-, beta- and gammacarmoviruses are among the smallest plant RNA viruses. Their genomes consist of five open reading frames (ORF), most of them overlapping with each other in a unique molecule of single-stranded RNA about 4 kb in length. ORFs included an RNA dependent RNA polymerase,...
Wong VW, Stange DE, Page ME, Buczacki S, Wabik A, Itami S, van de Wetering M, Poulsom R, Wright NA, Trotter MW, Watt FM, Winton DJ, Clevers H, Jensen KB (2012) Lrig1 controls intestinal stem-cell homeostasis by negative regulation of ErbB signalling. Nat Cell Biol 14 (4): ...
Overall, the rhesus macaque had a SNP density approximately three times higher than humans (Figure 1A). Calculated across all genomic regions with at least 4x sequencing coverage in individual samples, the SNP densities for macaques and humans were 2.82 SNP/kb and 1.07 SNP/Kb, respectively (Tabl...
错误原因:callback参数的Base64编码总长度超过了5 KB。 解决方案:callback参数的Base64编码总长度最大为5 KB。 The callback body is empty 错误原因:没有填写callbackBody参数。 解决方案:Callback参数必须为经过Base64编码的JSON字符串,且必须指定请求回调的服务器URL(callbackUrl)以及回调的内容(callbackBody)。
29 Because the DASH diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, it is likely to be high in dietary K and Mg and low in in Na, which is reflective of lower DAL than a typical Western diet and hence the lower risk of ESRD that we noted in our participants. Second, a diet low in base-...
While the Low contrast enhancing tumors were 2-fold smaller than the Intermediate enhancing tumors as expected, the High contrast enhancing tumors were also significantly smaller than the Intermediate tumors (Fig. 4). Holding to the theory that RCC tumor vascularity is associated with virulence, our...
(PDF 382 KB) 12885_2007_1060_MOESM2_ESM.pdf Additional file 2: Influence of the ketogenic diet on vascularity in tumours of the human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line 23132/87. Representative tumour sections from the KD (animal 11) and SD (animal 13) groups are shown. Vessels were stained...
White matter tract (WMT) degeneration has been reported to occur following a stroke, and it is associated with post-stroke functional disturbances. White matter pathology has been suggested to be an independent predictor of post-stroke recovery. However,
We have observed in this work that Hsp90-1 silenced plants had a slightly smaller size than the rest of the agroinfiltrated plants. A similar phenomenon has been observed in the silencing of Hsp90 in N. benthamiana [41], suggesting that HSP90 is involved in signalling pathways that affect ...
Our investigation ultimately determined that Quer's ability to counteract the adverse effects of VCR is contingent on the activation of the NRf2/HO-1 and SIRT1/PGC-1 pathways, and its subsequent dampening of oxidative stress, apoptosis, autophagy, and NF-kB/STAT3 pathways.Patients with ...