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so use extra care so using before so watch closely so we just so we suggest so we swapped so we tried so what are we up aga so what do we do now so when i said id mov so while im turning i so while im still hea so while you chill in so why cant i make a so why dont ...
thecanadianmodernlang thegamewereplayingisl thehonestmantakespain thejadu thejudicialauthorityo theliberalandcourageo thememoryoftwocities theottomanempire thesoundsofsilence thetearsofsnow-whites thhree-pointline thi ingmechanism thi vai thialfi thiamine pyrophosphat thiamine tetrahydrofu thiapyrylium thich...
Previously having written about this subject for theHarvard Journal on Legislation,he has argued that targeted litigation sponsored by nonprofit organizations with overlapping directors, officers, and funding sources has resulted in activist judicial decisions favorable to corporate and anti-regulatory interest...
Every non expendable item “owned” by a company is recorded in that unit’s property book (now automated). Army Company Commanders are personally responsible for everything “owned” by that company. When an officer assumes command of a company, there is a complete inventory of all equipment...
A new global survey shows trust in the U.S. judicial system fell precipitously in the last four years to levels usually seen in war-torn countries or dictatorships. Laura MannweilerDec. 17, 2024 A Breach of Trust in the Courts The increase was driven by strong car sales ...
Yep. If Trump should win/steal the election and invoke the Alien Enemies Act, it absolutely could happen again. Obviously, the act would be appealed to SCOTUS. Although none of the Acts of 1798 were subjected to judicial review (Marbury v. Madison, which confirmed the concept of judicial re...
And waiting for the judicial identification!When the case ended, the matter should be settled! But now the case ended, the matter was not settled yet!Zhang Pei was waiting for the identification conclusion in the funeral home of Baotou City who could not be cremated and buried!
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy
Judicial Watch grabs the bull by the horns! I once thought“it”was“just”a problem, that would work itself out. But in reality it is so serious, catastrophic, it is endangering the very foundation of our country. “Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present ...