Use of Sources Includes primary and secondary sources to support analysis and findings. Requires a vital literature review to demonstrate gaps in existing research. Timing Written after the research has been conducted. Written before the research is conducted, seeking approval or funding. Research Paper...
Use of SourcesIncludes primary and secondary sources to support analysis and findings.Requires a vital literature review to demonstrate gaps in existing research. TimingWritten after the research has been conducted.Written before the research is conducted, seeking approval or funding. ...
Primary Data vs. Secondary Data The use of primary or secondary data is another source of heterogeneity in mixed research findings (Stanley & Doucouliagos,2012). Primary data may contain rich information providing questions that are carefully set. Secondary data, on the other hand, may not be ...
S-1, S0, S+1, S+2,…} is a physical reality or, on the contrary, is a purely mathematical construction, such that the concept of past, present and future is exclusively a consequence of the perception of this sequence of states. Which means that the only physical reality would be the...
Socio-demographic variables surveyed were gender (man, woman, non-binary/third gender, prefer not to say); age in year, educational degree (primary, lower secondary, higher secondary, bachelors, masters, PhD), and sexual orientation (heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, other, prefer not to ...
In acting on what they believe about the relationship between the knower and what is known, they put themselves in the position of authors of ideas and arguments; in their talk about mathematics, reasoning and mathematical argument-not the teacher or the textbook-are the primary source of an ...
when CSR is integrated in the strategic orientation of the firm (Tantalo, Caroli, and Venevenhoven 2012), when it is applied to the primary stakeholders of the firm (Iturrioz, Aragón, Narbaiza, & Ibañez, 2009) or when it is proactive (Bocquet, Le Bas, Mothe, & Poussing, 2013; ...
British historians and Capitalism and Slavery, O.H.Folarin –on JSTOR – you have to register but it’s free to read. It’s a 1970s review of the topic so it provides a nice interpretation in itself as well as outlining the main arguments. Update: here’s a simple worksheet that I ...
Multi-topic household surveys typically ask about the activities in which a person spent the most time within a reference period (prior seven days, one month, and/or 12 months, depending on the country), defining primary and secondary activities based on reported time allocation. ** Circles ...
The survey-based part of the RITA dataset is based on questionnaires that were sent to a firm’s contact person, i.e., a firm owner or a manager. The other part of the RITA dataset comes from secondary sources, such as (i) the Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce (Telemaco database...