Despite their political differences, the Kushner brothers show no sign of an outward rift. Josh, in fact, works out of Oscar's headquarters in Manhattan's famous Puck Building, which is owned by the Kushner Companies, the family business run by Jared. ...
Rosen, Armin
Jared Kushner is "Rasputin in a slim-fitting suit": With Jason Rezaian, Ben Rhodes, Tommy Vietor.
Ivanka Trump's husband is a senior White House adviser in Donald Trump administration. He was the CEO of Kushner Companies and the publisher of the New York Observer.
Kushner commends the task force for their hard work Facebook Twitter Email Copy to clipboard Copy to clipboard Live Now All times eastern NOW - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM Fox Business Channel Sunday Morning Futures ...
Heilman, Uriel
Jared Kushner Can’t Fill Out a Form to Save His Life, Part 827,551 The First Son-in-Law has never met a filing he didn’t screw up. By Bess Levin Levin Report Jared Kushner’s Dad: Leave My Boy Alone! Ex-con Charlie Kushner has had enough of people bullying his son. By Bess ...
CBS News has confirmed that when Jared Kushner met with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak in December, Kushner discussed setting up a 'back channel' for communications between the Trump transition team and Russian officials. This is according to a source familiar with the intelligence gathered at ...
Public records confirm that Jared Corey Kushner is in fact registered to vote in the state of New York as a female.
Although records from the New York Board of Elections indicated Kushner was a woman, it was the board that made the mistake, not Kushner.