During my visits to Serbia to visit my family, they constantly made reference to the fact that I wasn't married with children. Moreover, my grandfather always stressed the importance of hard work, and how the backbone of a man is his work (like you state in your book). I always took ...
Remove their beloved Howard Stern, John Stewart, FOX News, Jewish produced film/ talmudvision, porn, etc. and they will more than likely go berserk. Their Jewish heroes will easily sway them to take to streets to demand an end to the “Nazi/Islamic” takeover of their beloved “free pres...
John: “Do not imagine that I am going to accuse you before the Father; you (contemporary Jews of Jesus’ time) place your hopes on Moses, and Moses will be your accuser. If you really believed him you would believe Me too, SINCE IT WAS >>I America, the Beautiful June 1, 2008 @...