My wife and I made a slight excursion on our way to New York to spend the night in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A town that absolutely embraces its haunted history in a way both goodandbad. I had driven nearly 11 hours getting there and we were only spending the night so we were...
Installed in C:\Program Files\iPod\ without my consent Jango You gotta know that an ipod basically WORKS without installing any driver (just like a usb harddrive), therfore this process is NOT needed. iTunes installs it so it can open automatically when you plug the ipod in (and sync, ...
(Enterprise captains) Darth Maul and Darth Vader Data and Spock Chapel and McCoy C3P0 and R2D2 (thus the numbers in their names) Beverly and Wesley Jango and Boba Fett Ben (Kenobi) and Yoda O'Brien and Scotty (known for operating the transporters) Luke and Leia Fast Forwards There are a...
Getting back to JJ, many people, aka the net-mongers, looked cursorily at the Abrams selection, calling it “safe” or “bland” or opining that his “adaptability of style” (like his ode to ’80’s Spielberg movies in Super 8) were the main reasons for his selection. ...