Ever since Daniel Craig took over the role ofJames Bondin 2006's "Casino Royale," the 007 films have gotten sleeker and harder-hitting, and 2012's "Skyfall" (directed by Sam Mendes) remains a serious highlight in the Bond oeuvre. With Javier Bardem as the film's villain, Raoul Silva...
Brian Keith, Moira Kelly, Martin Sheen, and his daughterRenéeEstévezwere inEntertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story(1996), about the Catholic activist that Sheen had first met and worked with in New York City in the early 1960’s. In 1997 Martin Sheen and D. B. Sweeney worked together...
打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 Josh James Brolin看完更是超不买账: “我是不会把手伸进去的,没事,我可以饿着。” “如果我在影院看到有人拿着这个桶,我会觉得很白痴。” 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 那么问题来了,各位会把手伸进去拿爆米花吃吗? 这还不是结束,还有一个同样逆天的周边打算跟这个爆米花桶试比高...
打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 Josh James Brolin看完更是超不买账: “我是不会把手伸进去的,没事,我可以饿着。” “如果我在影院看到有人拿着这个桶,我会觉得很白痴。” 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 那么问题来了,各位会把手伸进去拿爆米花吃吗? 这还不是结束,还有一个同样逆天的周边打算跟这个爆米花桶试比高...