yippee yipper yippie yips yird yirr yirth Yis Yisrael Yit yite yitten Yive Yizkor -yl ylang-ylang Yle Yleisradio ylem Y-level Yliche Y-linked gene Yllanraton Ymaked Y-maze YMCA Ymel YMHA Ymir ynambu -yne Yngling Ynough yo yob yobbery yobbish yobbishly yobbism yobbo Yobe yobibit...
became a terrible catchphrase. InDie Hard, this line made total sense; the conflict between Bruce Willis’ John McClane and Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber involved a discussion of movie westerns, and whether McClane was like one of their cowboys — hence his improvisatory quip of “Yippee-kay-ya...