Weld plant, May 2016 The tomato cage might give an indication of the height of the plant. I’ve seen them grow much taller. This one however is flowering so it’s unlikely to see more growth. Weld, closeup Almost ready for seed saving.March...
IT IS FAR PAST TIME TO PROSECUTE THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, BY A CRIMINAL USA GOVERNMENT. http://www.washingtonpost.com/…/cia-interrogation…/document/ CLG Exclusive: CIA Torture Queen Bought $825K House While Torturing Her Way to the Top NSA releases decade’s worth of damaging...
Doing it for the function argument improves readability IMO. This makes total sense because acceptDog could use dog-specific properties True, I haven't thought about it this way. I guess my use case aims a lot lower. Here's an example: function testResponseForBinarySensorGet(sent: Binary...
Using the –no-eta command can be useful in situations like this as it will show you the current speed at which a device is checking passwords. It will also start immediately. (Which can be good if you are paying for cloud server time) One way that it an be useful to use this comma...
The medical examiners all over the world are not doing the property tests during an autopsy to detect a vaccine-related death. Without doing the required tests, it is very hard to make an association. There isn’t a single “guidance” document from any medical authority anyw...
On the other hand, if a financier performs a leveraged buy-out of a perfectly sound business, loads it up with debt, pays himself (or herself) a massive dividend, then spins the business back off as an IPO, it is a little harder to see why that might be worth $10 million. In gene...
The reason that it’s possible to sometimes strike gold off these “shills” is because enough people are doing exactly what you’re doing. And if enough people suddenly want to purchase that token; it explodes. People Mentioned Companies Mentioned Coins Mentioned ...