Uncharted waters or uncharted territory can refer literally to places not yet explored, but it can also be used figuratively to refer to unfamiliar situations in general. Sometimes unchartered is used mistakenly when people see charter and think of the contractual agreement to lease something, such ...
And if it’s the large wild animal rummaging through your trash at 3 a.m.? I think itbearsrepeating that that is abear, and you should probably lock your trash at night. Want some more like this? Venture into more interesting articles likeuncharted vs. uncharteredandbreach vs. breech!
So mysterious and unchartered is the deep sea that you really don’t need to leave our planet to venture into an alien landscape. There are some seriously strange creatures down there. Creatures with which we share a common origin. There are underwater volcanoes spurting materials ...
This river has nourished civilizations for millennia. Now it’s drying up, under attack from dam building, overfishing, and sand mining.