Also, there's a time limit. You can undo moves or reset the whole thing, but you're highly encouraged to seek out big-brained alien beings to give you a hand instead. Ok, so Ozzle may not be as painfully difficult as we make it out to be, but there's definitely a good level ...
And yet it's funny, and a perfect caption for any image in which there are two objects, one larger than the other. Long live our summer jam, "don't talk to me or my son ever again."
Yet another perfect country and perfect property for social distancing is Dominica’s Secret Bay. When it comes to the Caribbean, Dominica is still considered undiscovered. It is raw, wild and full of adventure, and it is home to the incomparable Secret Bay, a six-star rainforest hideaway....
Watching this man come so close, and yet be so far from finished, has been thrilling and honestly a bit worrisome. I'm worried about this guy. He has created his own personal hell and it's a virtual recreation of Pebble Beach No. 7. At one point Wednesday night,Barstool's Big Cat...
Like it or not, the holiday season really kicks into high gear when the clocks strikes 12:01 a.m. on November 1, and here's further proof the most wonderful time of the year is almost here...Santa Claus arrives at the CherryVale Mall on November 15, 2024 at 6 p.m.!
So when we started talking about baseball, about hitting, about adjustments and everything in early Spring Training, it was good. I'm here to play the game. That's all I can control.\"Yet even if he insists that there was no adjustment period, anecdotal evidence, as well as the ...
Like it or not, the holiday season really kicks into high gear when the clocks strikes 12:01 a.m. on November 1, and here's further proof the most wonderful time of the year is almost here...Santa Claus arrives at the CherryVale Mall on November 15, 2024 at 6 p.m.!
Memes are the most democratic form of communication on the internet. It is decided solely by the citizens of the internet with their participation by sharing or creating their own. The legacy of the meme is then decided by how long it sticks around for, how many times it’s shared/ used...
Sure, you can parse the realness of it all: it wasn’t. But are the low-information voters who will decide the election doing that? And how real can any high-security campaign stop be in an age in which one of the contenders has been the target of two apparent ...
You know the drill, get out there and enjoy your weekend! Posted in Columns | Tagged Biden, Cartoons, funny, memes, politics, Saturday morning cartoons, Trump | 2 Replies Saturday Morning Is Here Again! Posted on March 23, 2024 It’s time for our weekly ritual. Screenshot Now, quit...