In addition, it can also be used to treat angina (myocardial ischemia), coronary heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases. Amlodipine Besylate has good oral absorption, long-lasting effects, and relatively minor side effects, making it widely used in clinical practice.Amlodipine Besylate ...
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Calcium channel blocker amlodipine besylate is associated with reduced case fatality rate of COVID-19 patients with hypertensionThe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has now spread to more than 100 countries posing as a...
Background This case report describes a patient with chronic unilateral chemosis, likely due to treatment with amlodipine besylate. Case presentation A 52-year-old man visited the clinic with symptoms of foreign body sensation and puffiness in his right eye, which had persisted for 4months. There...
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Author Correction: Calcium channel blocker amlodipine besylate therapy is associated with reduced case fatality rate of COVID-19 patients with hypertensionCALCIUM antagonistsCOVID-19 pandemicA Correction to this paper has been published:
A Reverse phase method has been developed for the quantitative estimation of Atenolol and Amlodipine Besylate in Tablets. The Quantification was carried out using RP stainless steel column ODSDr Hussain Sayyed
The present study was aimed to develop a high-perfo rmance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for atorvastatin and amlodipine besylate with high sens itivity, accuracy and precision in combined dosage form. Separation was performed on a C18 column [Agilent O DS UG 5 column, 250mm x 4.5mm]...