Pregnant women arestrongly urged not to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol while pregnant has been shown to cause harm to a baby as it develops in the womb. Alcohol used during pregnancy may also lead to long-term medical problems and birth defects. Is it safe to have a glass...
Q: Is it safe to drink wine while nursing?—Betsy, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. A:Drinking wine, or any type of alcoholic beverage, can have important effects on women’s andchildren’s health, especially whiletrying to conceiveandduring pregnancy. After avoiding alcohol while pregnant, many new ...
Is it safe to fly while pregnant? This is probably one of the questions that pop up in your mind if you have a big love for travelling. With a fetus growing in your body, it is safer to seek professional views before you make plans to travel. Dr Wendy Teo from Mount Elizabeth Novena...
Is It OK to Drink While Pregnant? ; Vox PopLast week Rachel Weisz caused a stir when she said it was fine to have the odd glass of wine when expecting a baby. Few health professionals share that view, but is giving up all alcohol realistic? We went to Mother-care in Oxford Street,...
I am 23 years old and pregnant in the 4th month. My doctor prescribed me ceftriaxone after I had taken Amoxil for 7 days for a kidney infection. Is my baby safe?Official answer by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers ceftriaxone a pregnancy Category B ...
It might be safe to lie on your stomach while pregnant in your first trimester, but that will change as your bump gets bigger. Here’s how to keep you and your baby safe while lying on your stomach during pregnancy.
Other doctors feel that pregnant women shouldn’t worry about having a small drink every once in a while. “I’ve always told my patients that I think it’s a personal decision and there isn’t evidence that light drinking is dangerous,” says Marjorie Greenfield, MD, professor of obstetric...
Pregnancy refers to the state of bearing a child. Women who are pregnant have different medical considerations than the rest of the population, because many substances pass through into the baby. Answer and Explanation: Many believe that drinking while pregnan...
Is It Safe to Garden When Pregnant? Generally, it is safe to garden when pregnant, and there are even some significant benefits, but there are some things to be aware of and even potential risks for you and your baby. If you enjoy gardening then you can keep these risks in mind and ...
normal pregnancy, having sex while pregnant is generally safe, and it can still be enjoyable. No matter what, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor first, especially if you have pregnancy complications, or if you’ve had them in a past pregnancy, then sex may not be safe...