To help you easily navigate potential hiccups, we’ve compiled insider tips that will keep everything running smoothly from start to finish. Let’s dive in and make sure your big day goes off without a hitch. Communicate with Vendors When it comes to your wedding day, communication with vend...
Drinking tea is good for your health. It may lower the risk of cancer, it can encourage weight loss, and recent studies have shown tea can help lower blood pressure. This created a load of oxalic acid that his kidneys couldn't handle, leading to renal failure.” ... Is it okay to d...
It’s true that even when I taught third grade, I never spoke to children using a “kid voice,” because I sucked at it. It’s also true that I am confused by discipline (and a bunch of other things, like compasses, the donkey/goat/mule conundrum, and how to change a duvet cover...
“You’re Not Uncool. Making Friends as an Adult Is Just Hard,” by Peter O’Dowd and Kalyani Saxena (WBUR,2021). “My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore?” by Gabrielle Hamilton (The New York Times Magazine,2020). ...
In Abroad? I guess the German Lentil Soup. It took 4 tries to get that one just right. 10. What’s your favorite main protein source: tempeh, seitan, tofu or beans? Greens. Lindsay’s latest work is mindblowing. I’m so in love with everything about Happy Herbivore Abroad. I receiv...
In "The Thing That Wouldn't Stop It", a character demands a password before adding: "...And if you say 'swordfish,' I'll lose it!" The password ends up being "haggis". Later, in Sam and Max: The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball, one of Sam's guesses for the password to ...
But that is okay. Anytime you leave your comfort zone it feels awkward, you are bound to stumble, and there will be many days you feel far from an expert. And all of that is not only expected but should be welcomed. This is when we grow the most. We are all doing something that...
if you’re a regular reader, you’ve seen me say this approximately 80 billion times before), you could lose fat, muscle, water, glycogen, poop and more, and the scale will tell you that you lostweight. However, out of everything on that list, the one you’re truly seeking to lose...
I awoke this morning the first time at around 6. It was dark and I heard the gentle patter of rain outside. My first words were “thank you God for the new day, let everything that has breath praise the Lord, squirrels, chipmunks, cows, chickens.” I don’t know why I thought of...
I was greeted by the anesthesiologist (let’s call him Dr Smiles) and another anesthesiologist who’s first day it was. Two more nurses introduced themselves and one said her name a few times and said that it was okay for me to name the baby after her (I forgot to mention that ...