Nebula is Latin for "mist, vapor, fog, smoke, exhalation," but in an astronomical context, it refers to any celestial object that appears cloud-like when viewed through a telescope. Some nebulas are formed when gas and dust are thrown out during a supernova—an explosion of a dying star...
Pluralnebulae(nĕb′yə-lē′)ornebulas A thinly spread cloud of interstellar gas and dust. It will appear as a bright patch in the night sky if it reflects light from nearby stars, emits its own light, or re-emits ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars as visible light. If it absorb...
When it comes to photographingdeep-sky objectsusing a camera and telescope, there are three main types of targets to photograph. These are Nebulae, Galaxies, and Star Clusters. Nebulae are my favorite type of deep-sky object to photograph due to their large size and varying color combinations ...
The term Planetary Nebula is one type of Nebulae (Not nebulas), which are large clouds of ice and dust that have been created in the aftermath of the death of a star. Although their name includes “planet”, they are nothing to do with planets. They do get their name from the mistaken...
Nebulas are giant areas of dust and cloud that can be put into one of five groups: star forming, reflection, planetary, supernova remnant and dark.
Use left mouse button to select an object, right button to select no object and middle mouse button or SPACE to center on the selected object. Zooming on nebulas or planets is very interesting... Use J, K and L to increment/decrement time speed. Press the F1 key for more help. More ...
Suboptimal navigation around nebulas, distress signals, stores and such. There is a myriad of things that can affect your success rate. After about 200 games I have all of this down pretty well, however I still lose sometimes because I often kill my boarding crew with autofire or similar...
While dust is problematic for visible light observations, infrared light can pass straight through it, which is why astronomers use the likes of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to peer inside nebulas or see faraway galaxies. What temperature is interstellar space? Temperatures in the ISM ca...
Nebulas would certainly be high up on the list. Something like the Double Cluster, and similar, I would imagine being a fun target as well. Even just scanning the Milky Way as it passes overhead. Keep in mind that I am not trying to switch form purely visual to purely NV. Rather, I...
DPGE - Diffuse Pachymeningeal Gadolinium Enhancement. Looking for abbreviations of DPGE? It is Diffuse Pachymeningeal Gadolinium Enhancement. Diffuse Pachymeningeal Gadolinium Enhancement listed as DPGE