Flavored vape products have beenbanned in New Jerseysince 2020. Retailers that sell these products can face thousands of dollars in fines. Coupons and price reductions for tobacco products and e-cigarettes were also made illegal in the state the same year. And since 2017, it's been illegal f...
“The big concern is by banning all flavors, given adults like flavors too, you may be discouraging them from trying to quit smoking, or encouraging those who have quit to go back to it.” Warner and Abrams say that because most students who now vape were alr...
States often look to the federal government to set those standards, but marijuana remains illegal on the federal level. "That’s a real issue where you don’t have the weight of the federal government in terms of standards of packaging and marketing," to set parameters to avoid appealing ...
as if that's not complicated enough, now that the FDA has approved the first CBD-based prescription medication for rare forms of epilepsy, CBD is considered a drug and — guess what? — it's illegal to sell food products containing drugs, such as CBD-infused coffee or juice shots. How ...
A vape is not actually vapor, but instead, an aerosol with tons of harmful ingredients. The e-cigarette (electronic cigarette) uses a coil to heat liquid, in which it produces the aerosol vapor. The main ingredients in e-cigarettes are propylene glycol and glycerin, which are not too toxic...
To vape means different things to different people. To vapers in states like Colorado and California, it’s a method of smoking weed that isgenerally consideredsafer, better, and more appropriate in public. To those in states where grass is illegal, like New York, it’s a method of smokin...
“the government’s continued pride in disrupting the burgeoning illegal vape industry impresses about as much as the Australian Police excitedly celebrating massive busts of weed or coke while just about everyone with an iPhone and a semi-functioning brain can get both delivered, to their door, ...