It is because the person was still considered as an emigrant in one’s country even after returning to France. Unfortunately, French emigrants were treated as traitors during that time.• Whenever you use the term emigrated in a sentence, you should apply the preposition “from”. Example: C...
Reyna recalled that discussing immigration in schools was fraught: “We had to live in the shadows. That fear was very real and present.” And she added how it all began with the support of other young people: “They just encouraged me. They told me, ‘You speak up. It seems like...
No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size because the entire Finnish population was used for the analyses, with only individuals who died, emigrated or never interacted with healthcare before the predictive intervals (which differed for the training, validation and testing datasets)....
Apart from Germany, Croatian citizens have emigrated mostly to Ireland and Austria since the country acceded to the EU (Pokos, 2017). Research confirms that the number of Croatian citizens who immigrated to Germany, Ireland and Austria in 2016 was, on average, 62% higher...
Things have been drifting my way that make me raise eyebrows and say with Inigo Montoya: I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Apparently believing abortion is wrong is out of the mainstream; believing gay marriage is wrong is out of th
My own heritage is German-American, but I was introduced to the wonderful world of Slovak cuisine by my wife, whose grandmother emigrated from the village of Zakarovce (I believe this is in the Kosice region) to Montana in the United States shortly after World War 1 (around 1920). As ...
Google cofounder Sergey Brin, who emigrated from Russia as a boy, is at the protests at SFO Airport The 43-year-old billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist came to the U.S. from the former Soviet Union when he was just six. Brin is at the protests of P...
Most explanations of the difference between the two words are: emigrates leave and immigrants enter; or as the post by Anon7988 pointed out, "e for exit and im for in." It really comes down to where you are at the time you are labeled. You are an emigrant from your country of origin...
immigration is the result of emigration for the receiving country. For example, people might say they immigrated to the United States, which is where they now have permanent residence, but they emigrated from Spain. Many countries
It was concluded that Russian Jews who had immigrated to Israel did not differ significantly with regard to QoL compared to those who stayed behind in Russia and that more than 8 years are needed to reach the level of veteran Israelis who enjoy better QoL than both Jews in Russia and ...