Not loyal; not true to a sovereign or lawful superior, or to the government under which one lives; false where allegiance is due; faithless; as, a subject disloyal to the king; a husband disloyal to his wife. Without a thought disloyal. Showing lack of love for your country Deserting you...
faithless, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious meanuntrue to what should command one's fidelity or allegiance. What is the best synonyms for treacherous? treacherous untrue. untrustworthy. false-hearted. treasonable. false. betraying. double-crossing. unloyal. What is a duplicitous ...
The word "queue" has a silent "ue" at the end, making it unique. ADVERTISEMENT How Do You Spell Queue Correctly? Incorrect: He accidentally joined the wrongqueat the airport. Correct: He accidentally joined the wrongqueueat the airport. ...
Because Walt was telling him the fucking true about Gus - that it's a plan to divide them, that the attack on Mike and Jesse was probably staged given how it played out. that Gus was doing all this just for show to drive a wedge between them and Jesse was to stupid to see that. ...