If you look at the following search results, it's clear that the general consensus is that "承知いたしました" is correct, and "承知致しました" is incorrect:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-...また、私は必ず辞書を確認して回答していますが、敬語についての辞書でも、「...
plural case. "biodegradable wares . . ." means multiple types of "wares" so it must take the...
@orudeseniありがとうございます!Were there any other mistakes?*
It's grammatically correct -- most people would say Who's the manager of this apartment complex?
when you say that, 1a is correct. but for 1b, 배고프아서 -> 배고파서 2a and 2b both are correct, but 2a sounds more formal because 그렇지만 sounds like 'however'. when using 'but' in a conversation, we say 근데, but when using 'but' in writing, we ...
i believe the word in Japanese is スタートアップmy question is, which of these could be considered a スタートアップ:ベンチャービジネスベンチャー企業冒険企業新興企業which are natural and correct? and can they all be startups?
Encryption is a cybersecurity tactic that scrambles data so it appears as a string of random characters. The correct encryption key will unscramble the data. A 128-bit encryption key would require two to the power of 128 combinations to crack, which is impossible for most powerful computers. ...
all senteces can you use to talk
If you look at the following search results, it's clear that the general consensus is that "承知いたしました" is correct, and "承知致しました" is incorrect:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-...また、私は必ず辞書を確認して回答していますが、敬語についての辞書でも、「...
@neurosporaI got it. Thank you very much :)語