Then, contestants had to upload photos of their creations to Facebook by May 15. The museum shared the cakes with the public on World Baking Day (May 17) through social media stories, and the “virtual audience” had 24 hours to vote for their favorites.(为了参加今年的比赛,面包师进入...
Is it cake? Is it art? Is it both? It’s the third year that the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas at Austin has hosted its Great Blanton Bake-Off (烘焙大赛), and 16 bakers delivered on the challenge to recreate any of the 21, 000 works, from Italian Renaissanc...
Is it cake?Is it art?Is it both?For its third consecutive(连续的)year,the Blanton Museum of Art in Texas hosted Great Blanton Buke-Off,and 16 bakers delivered on the challenge-to recreate any of the works from Italian Renaissance paintings to Latin American prints,in the Blanton's collecti...
It sure seemed like that onIs It Cakewhen one of the contestants baked a statute, making it look extremely realistic. This close-to-the-real-deal vibe made the statue cake a fan-favorite as it was mentioned on Reddit multiple times. One user in particular highlighted how well this cake w...
Review ofIs It Cake? Is It Cake?(2022– ) 7/10 Good but needs some tweaks 10 July 2023 I enjoyed the show. I'm on the 2nd season now and doubt whether I will finish it. They changed the format and made it confusing to follow. It's pretty much a disaster and the contestants ar...
In case you haven't binged the entire first season of the new show by now, contestants on Is It Cake? compete by baking cakes that look just like real life objects, trying to fool a set of judges. The runner up of the entire competition wasApril Julian, who created an impressive vint...
And baking is tangible—so, in a way, it's a different way to consume art." To participate in this year's competition, bakers accessed the museum's online catalog (目录) to select an artwork to reimagine. The...
25. What are the contestants required to do in the competition? A. To sign up for a group by their age. B. To recreate famous artworks with cake. C. To hand in their works on World Baking Day. D. To advertis...
Is it cake? Is it art? Is it both? For its third consecutive (连续的) year, the Blanton Museum of Art in Texas hosted its Great Blanton Bake-Off, and 16 bakers delivered on the challenge — to recreate any of the works from Italian Renaissance paintings to Latin American prints, in ...
What does the term “pissing contest” mean? The term “pissing contest” is often used to describe a contest between people, usually men, which is completely pointless and is just about ego. This term is used very often in the workplace in America, since it’s quite common for people...