Several grams of caesium salt were recorded in about 11,600 gallons of mineral water. The caesium was found by using spectrum analysis which picked up bright blue lines. It was the first element to be discovered using this method. Cesium metal was first produced in 1882 using electrolysis. Ce...
In addition to IRON + LEAD + TIN yielding INORDINATELY and NONEDITORIAL, there is: argon + iron + tin nonirrigation W2 argon + lead + tin degranulation W3 arsenic + gold + tin reconsolidating W3 caesium + lead + tin eudaemonistical W2 cesium + lead+ tineudemonisticalOED erbium + lead...
The expression of AtSEC22 is indicated as þ (complemented line) or À (mutant). Discussion The chemical similarity of the non-essential alkali cation Cs þ with the essential K þ is a major obstacle for genetic attempts to manipulate radiocaesium accumulation and to prevent it from ...
"The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom." By measuring these caesium atoms at incredibly low temperatures, atomic clocks can track time almost perfectly bas...
CSFCaesium Flouride(inorganic compound; aka Cesium Flouride) CSFCanadian Schizophrenia Foundation CSFCoordinated Street Furniture(various locations) CSFCustom Statement Formatter(Metavante, Inc, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) CSFComputer Solutions Facility AG(Muttenz, Schweiz) ...
Second (s).Unit of time. One second is the time that elapses during 9.192631770 periods of the radiation produced by the transition between two hyperfine levels of the Cesium-133 atom in an unperturbed ground state. It is also the time required for light to travel 299,792,458 (2.99792458 ...
It is unclear if the highly permeable sand formations may act as an additional barrier for radiocesium (~(137)Cs) or could be added as a complementary sorption sink in a surface disposal concept Glauconite is an Fe-rich phyllosilicate that is mainly present as 250-125 um sized pellets in ...
The isotope caesium-137, which has a half life of 30 years, is a product of nuclear power plants. How long will it take for the amount of this isotope in a sample of caesium to decay to one sixteenth The half-life period...
It's important to realize that clocks are not just devices that tell time. They are also devices that are susceptible to fluctuations in their timing due to external forces.Clocks are devices that tell time.The caesium standard is a good example of a clock that is based on a physical ...
CSFCesium Fluoride(inorganic compound; aka Caesium Flouride) CSFCritical Success Factor(s) CSFCongressional Sportsmen's Foundation CSFChildren, Schools and Families(UK) CSFCytostatic Factor CSFCompagnie Générale de Télégraphie sans Fil(French: General Company of Wireless Telegraphy; est. 1918) ...