Reentry continues. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m seriously struggling with being around so many people. I don’t hear about any studies looking at that, but it’s a damn thing. We’ve all been isolated for a year or so, and it’s now kind of creepy and irritating to be out wi...
It was divine! Tip: any Japanese restaurant that serves natto is legit. Pretty good considering I was in Austin! I'd come back to Austin for tacos and dinner at this place any time!! Date of visit: February 2018 Ask Jackieosie about Kemuri Tatsu-ya 1 Thank Jackieosie This review...
Looking for a lunch spot near Metrotown, I suggested we tryYaguchiya Ramensince it was just across the Metrotown mall. The interior was very simple with barely any renovations done. In the summer, they only had a fan so it was quite hot. The restaurant features iekei style ramen that ori...
Cojiitii Common Grounds Cafe Cool City Cosy Bistro Croissant Taiyaki Dal Komm Cofee Damn Good Burger Danish Briyani House Dapor Kampung Stutong Daseo Dave's Deli Deens Maju Nasi Kandar Define Food Delicious Der Master Restaurant Devis Corner Ding Tea DLaksa Dome Cafe DPuteh Elyana Tomyam Dragon...