Under the influence of the recent EL Nino, is reported that the average global temperature in 2023 has set the record, making it the warmest year since 1850. The temperatures in most (region) of China from this winter to next spring will be above the long-term average. This winter the ...
In China, this year's heat wave is most likely to occur in the South. There will be no long-term hot weather in the North, which has been sizzling under extreme heat for consecutive days under the influence of high pressure ri...
I've lived in Kalispell, MT for 18 years! I've noticed that during an El Nino year we don't get much snow, but still get extremely cold weather! -54 wind chill at times! La Nina years--tons of snow--and cold weather! Same temps as above.! Reply Shellie (not verified) 10 yea...
Climate scientists have predicted there is a 90 percent chance that the phenomenon will take hold in the latter half of the year. Its impacts are unlikely to be felt until the end of the year, but there is concern it could develop into a "super El Nino". The World Meteorological Organiza...
One explanation is that an El Nino releases more heat to the atmosphere because of warmer ocean waters, then "we’re not getting the cooling effect that often in decades gone by helps bring the temperature back down,” Overpeck said. "So it does look like this could be contributing to th...
An El Niño event occurs when sea surface temperatures around the equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean come in 0.5°C warmer than normal for roughly seven consecutive months. That may seem a bit arbitrary and academic, but it’s a large enough temperature anomaly over...
An El Niño creates stronger wind-shear and more-stable air over the Atlantic, which makes it harder for hurricanes to form. However, the warmer-than-average ocean temperatures boost eastern Pacific hurricanes, contributing to more-active tropical storm seasons. Strong El Niños are also associa...
Will Texas winter be even worse this year as El Nino gains in strength? El Niño Is Getting STRONGER! Huge For Winter! (2023/2024) Subscribe to101.5 KNUEon Sign up for the 101.5 KNUE Newsletter If you are a believer in theOld Farmer's Almanac, which has been predicting the weather fo...
It was a disaster! But here we are a year later, we now have stories we can tell our grandkids about how the effects of Winer Storm Uri of 2021 had us all in a frenzy. Here are some pictures that showcase the good and bad of the great Texas Snowstorm of 2021. ...
Canada’s felt El Niño’s influence in a big way this winter You don’t have to be a meteorologist to understand the impacts of an El Niño pattern across Canada—you’ve been living it! Canada has experienced a winter of extremes this season, a...