Although Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion, most of its adherents do not follow these aspects of Mosaic law andare permitted to consume pork. However, Seventh-day Adventists consider pork taboo, along with other foods forbidden by Jewish law. Is it a sin to smoke? The Roman Catholic...
While the Greco-Roman Catholics and Protestants changed, we in theContinuingChurch of God DO hold to the teachings of the first two centuries of Christianity. And we can prove it. Most do not understand original Christianity and do not want to. Yet, you can learn about it if you are inte...
Please visit: Isaiah 30:6 The burden upon the south. Isaiah 30:2727 Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far (Far from Palestine. Mecca is 900+ miles far, and it is in the south), burning with...
Tom began to walk toward Ed and needled him in the chest with his finger as he continued, “I’m the guy people call when they need a ride or a twenty spot till payday,” he laughed when drew closer to Ed’s face as he emphatically spoke his final words, “YOU?! They call you ...
Things started to change drastically as European Empires took hold and the Jews spread out within them. It was the rise of Christianity that gave anti-Jewish persecution real continental teeth. The ebb and flow of anti-Jewish measures continued for almost 2000 years. Jews were persecuted, ...
I’d say that the Christian hard right is profaning its own religion, but its versions of Christianity barely have a virtue left in them to profane. Posted in Uncategorized Oct19 The job market is still fucked For me personally, it’s okay. But, if I may be so un-American, it...
s because it is a set of teachings that on its face is laughable. It goes by many names, such as full preterism, realized eschatology, transmillennialism, 70 AD doctrine, pantelism, and kingism. It probably has other names I don’t know about. My beliefs are simply Christianity. No ...
Donald Trump took the stage at Liberty University on Monday, drawing comparisons between himself and its iconic founder, Jerry Falwell, and vowing to “protect Christianity.” The front-running GOP presidential candidate spoke to 13,000 people attending the speech at the Virginia school, after a ...
The noted French infidel Voltaire was convinced that he could destroy Christianity and the Bible. He railed against the Bible, “The subject is now exhausted: the cause is decided for those who are willing to avail themselves of their reason and their lights, and people will no more read ...
However, humans have found their way, as usual, to go around religious and natural prohibitions: ancient Egyptians’ royalty encouraged the practice, so that it became a sort of “privilege of the gods” (pharaohs were “gods on earth”). Christianity also knows of glamorous examples (among ...