The soldier gathered hiseffectsand left his station. She threw her boyfriend’seffectsout the window after he betrayed her. Climate changeaffectspolar bears and other Arctic animals. Every book Laura readsaffectsher emotions for days afterward. The rising temperature in the Pacific Oceanaffectsthe de...
There are several ways to reduce stress, such as a countdown or taking a deep breath before the task. But the base for any solution is to realize that stress affects performance. Choking under pressure can happen to the best athletes and it’s not a shame to admit it. The more athletes...
After more than seventy-five design attempts, Choi’s non-invasive, mind-controlled robotic arm isnow made from engineering-grade materials. Itoperates using an algorithm(算法) driven by artificial intelligence (AI) that interprets a user’s brain waves, which are picked up by electroencephalogra...
57Someresearchhasalsofoundlinksbetweengratitudeandbetterhealth,suchaslowerbloodpressureandjustfeelingphysicallybetter.However,it'snotclearwhethergratitudedirectlyaffectsphysicalwell-being. 58AttheUniversityofCalifornia,ProfessorNaomiEisenbergerandhercolleagueshopetozeroinabitmoreontheeffectsofgratitude.Forsixweeks,somestud...
The study looking at how social media affects body image found that any social media engagement was significantly associated with lower “appearance satisfaction”. Additionally, it found that engaging with content posted by people the participan...
it the “instinct of rebellion”, since it reveals itself as a drive or urge toward mastery over ever y obstacle, natural or man-made, that stands as a barrier between man and his dis tant, perhaps never-to-be-achieved but always striven after goals. It is this in stinct that under...
17. B) It affects low performing children only. 18. A) Most of them have average to strong math ability. 19. C) Addiction to computer games is a disease. 20. A) They prioritize their favored activity over what they shoul...
You may think, “Well, that’s nice, but, so what?” For quite a long time after de Boulogne’s research, it was thought that the Duchenne smile could not be faked.3.More recent research, however, has shown that some exceptionally skilled communicators can produce a Duchenne smile intenti...
When consumers do not feel the price of a good or service is justified when compared to the perceivedutility, they are less likely to purchase the item. For example, overvalued prices may lead to higher profit margins for a company, but it negatively affects consumers of the product. Forinel...
To begin with, we should make mental health a priority. Mental health affects our overall health and quality of life, so we cannot value it too much. Otherwise we will have serious problems with our physical and mental state. Secondly, when we have mental health problems, we can turn to ...