the journal of near d the joy of learning the joy of the sun the judge barked the judge ruled him i the judicature acts the judicial court of the jueyin channel the juicy morning the jumpin blues the jun- gle the jungle upton sinc the juniperus chinens the jury announced it the just ...
all intentions all it took to expres all kind of every thi all kinds kept in sto all kinds of exhibiti all like a bad dream all linkage tyep stee all love can be all man is an island all marine and war ri all marry others all men will become s all minds all modern methods all ...
Umm . . . yes, he really did call it a sin, an "enticing sin," in fact. That is, Joe Rigney, the Desiring God author, truly did say that empathy is bad and even a trick of the devil. And the majority of the commenters on the Facebook post of the article
You might see the word “bishop” in your Bible, but it meant an overseer and one of the elders of a local church, not a person with spiritual authority over a region. So, wrong for being Woke, and wrong for claiming to be a bishop, and wrong for claiming spiritual authority over me...
I realize other religions and belief systems posit some kind of creator or living matter but none is backed up by the evidence the Bible presents. Time does not permit me to get into those arguments but the Bible is absolutely unique in all of human literature and the factual events it des...
…….. You wouldn’t know it, even if it fell on your head …….. when it comes to Ranil! “As a matter of pragmatism, before societies fully move away from religions, they ought to develop concepts of universal morality and entrench them culturally” –...
There is no possible way.. Unless you believe that I .Am you will die in your sins”…do other religions believe the Jesus is God. No. Are you saying the JEsus came for now make all religions legitimate? If so. then he never needed to come in the first place..and all...
Does the employee’s real concern appear to be that mandatory vaccination is an infringement on his or her personal freedom? Does the employee seem to genuinely believe it would be a "sin" to get the vaccine? Can the employee reasonably articulate why he or she believes that vaccination w...
“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the ...
“Why a Nobel Prize Winner’s ‘Single Best Quality’ May Be That He’s Lazy,” by Kathleen Elkins (Make It,2017). “It’s Official: Three-Toed Sloths Are the Slowest Mammals on Earth,” by Eduardo Garcia (Scientific American,2016). ...