Sidenote: Is it a sin to call one’s self “wise”? And what if it’s Truth. In this realm of Earth the code of status quo says this. “Never say anything good about yourself. And demoralize your self regularly to show humility. (Yet an insulting lie is FALSE humility). Continue ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Satan does a masterful job of using religious pride to conceal God’s glorious Gospel of grace. This stubborn pride produces a fierce, unbending loyalty to an apostate church or a false religion. It is often seen in many religions when their followers are being evangelized. Many reject God’...
The beautiful and much-loved Christmas carol, “Silent Night”, has a very interesting story behind it….I thought you might enjoy hearing how this most famous carol came to be written! The year was 1818 and a roving band of actors was traveling through the Austrian Alps performing their re...
A king's heart, like a water stream, is in the hand of Yehovah: He turns it wherever His will decides it should go. - Proverbs 21
But these assumptions aren’t totally out of the blue—the Muslim’s religion, Islam, teaches a low tolerance for other religions and the Islamic government has no separation of church and state, so it’s only normal to assume that their government shall have a low tolerance as well—some ...
According toChinese tradition, you should not wash your clothes on the first two days of the year. That is because these days are dedicated to the Water God — a celebration of the god's birthday. If you wash your clothes on these days, it is a sign of disrespect. ...
[…] Nasty comments abounded which made me hate my own work that I’d been so happy to submit and have accepted by the publisher. […] A couple of examples: “You must not have worked very hard on this book as I’ve read one of your other books and it was better.”; “You ...
It is so incredible, even when informed of the matter many of Jehovah’s Witnesses simply refuse to believe that the Watchtower could ever have made such a compromising alliance. But it did. What follows are the facts of the strange affair....
It is one act, a result of one of God’s commands. Everyone tries to obey Him, all of us fall short. As one of the `ulama(scholars) in Chicago once taught: “A person’s public sin is no worse than your private sin.”