The meaning of SUNNI is the Muslims of the branch of Islam that adheres to the orthodox tradition and acknowledges the first four caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad.
Was Suleiman the Magnificent Sunni or Shia? Is Al-Qaeda in Iran? Did the Ashura elect Abu Bakr? Is Al-Qaeda Islamic? Was Benazir Bhutto Shia? Was Muhammad Ali Jinnah Shia? Is Al-Qaeda a Muslim group? Is the Gaza Strip part of Palestine? Does the Gaza Strip belong to Israel? Was the...
Is the Syrian Civil War between the Shia and Sunni? Did ethnic cleansing start the Syrian Civil War? Give a timeline of the Syrian Civil War up to 2020. Is the YPJ part of the Syrian Civil War? Did graffiti trigger the Syrian Civil War?
Iraq Islam (Non-Denominational) Israel Judaism (de-facto) Jordan Islam (Sunni) Kuwait Islam (Mixed Shia and Sunni) Lebanon None* Libya Islam (Sunni) Morocco Islam (Sunni) Oman Islam (Ibadi) Qatar Islam (Sunni) Saudi Arabia Islam (Sunni) Palestine None Syria None Tunisia Islam (Non-Denomina...
In essence, any disproportionate harms that are consciously directed toward eliminating a particular terror group could at the same time benefit different terrorist adversaries, both Sunni and Shia. We must never lose sight of the fact that our enemy is not ISIS per se, but rather a flagrantly ...
Asvarious news articleshavepointed out, the Islamic State is a Sunni groupmilitantly opposed to the Shia branch of Islamand calls Shiites “rafida,” which means “rejecter of Allah.” While it is true thatmost Palestinians in Gaza are Sunni, Shia-ledIran is Hamas’ primary benefactor. ...
In the Mideast, as long as there are struggles and conflicts within the region, there is a feeling that there is a war of Christians and Jews against Muslims, and an internal war between Shia and Sunni Muslims, Brom said. "This is a very strong factor in recruiting Sunni Muslims to Jiha...
East. For the U.S., the violent ISIS advance has wiped out nearly all the gains made during the Iraq war. Iran's Shiite Muslim leaders don't want to see Sunni Muslims take over their neighboring state, especially if it means the ouster of Iraq's Shiite Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki...
In the mid-1970s, Hussaini was expelled from Iraq, which also has a Shia minority, after being accused of stirring anti-government unrest. He later studied in Iran, where Shias are in the majority, and returned to Pakistan after the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power in Iran in 1979...
Sunni and Shiite are two factions of what religion? Is Iraq a theocracy? What is the main religion in Qatar? What is main religion in Pakistan? What is the main religion in Pakistan? Are Iranian Kurds Sunni or Shia? Are Kurds Shia or Sunni?