Android Studiowith NDK: build the android app. Node.JS: run the build scripts. Windows can't run the iOS development environment so far. Build the iOS simulator with js demo For iOS, we recommend to use iOS simulator when first try. However, you can change the Xcode configuration to inst...
iOS Filament is supported on iOS 11.0 and above. Seeios/samplesfor examples of using Filament on iOS. Filament on iOS is largely the same as native rendering with C++. ACAEAGLLayerorCAMetalLayeris passed to thecreateSwapChainmethod. Filament for iOS supports both Metal (preferred) and OpenGL...
Apple engineers thinks that its not required to hide, or may be Plus phones will get landscape slide over in later iOS versions :) From the documentation: To opt out of being eligible to participate in Slide Over and Split View, add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to ...
Instead, pretty much every aspect of the Phone Link experience is a total nightmare. After attempting to pair my iPhone using a QR code, the Link to Windows iOS app said the process was complete. Phone Link on Windows, though, just endlessly showed a spinning loading icon, with no ...
when changing windows(Alt+Tab) when maximizing another program from the taskbar var eventName; var visible = true; var propName = "hidden"; if (propName in document) eventName = "visibilitychange"; else if ((propName = "msHidden") in document) eventName = "msvisibilitychange...
Click the button below to try it for free. Phone Transfer Transfer files among iOS, Android and Windows PC. Transfer and backup text messages, contacts, photos, video, music on computer easily. Fully compatible with the latest iOS and Android. Free Download ...
In the first place, iOS *isn't* actually "losing market share," the reports that say so are based only on channel shipments which are not even close to the same thing as saying that a product has "X% share of the market." The market consists of more than just your channel partners...
In contrast a round trip is possible for iMovieMobile as those project folders are rolled up into a .zip file. I've just tested iFunBox which allows you to copy files to and from the iOS device's file system. Share the GarageBand project to iTunes on the device in the normal way, ...
What sets the iPhones apart? Because Apple controls both the software and hardware for its phones, it’s able to add features in iOS that work across its devices — not just iPhones, but Macs, Apple Watches and iPads as well. Essentially, all of your Apple devices can work together and...
I was getting the same error on my MacBookPro (same model as your's - 10,1). Is it running hot? Check the aluminum part of the case just above the function keys on your keyboard. Mine was almost too hot to touch. The crashes happened more frequently/faster when I was using dual ...