Acute insomnia is brief and normally happens in response to a stressful event or major life change. This type lasts less than three weeks and may cause restless sleep several times per week. It is typically triggered by something that makes you feel worried, upset or nervous, such as a big...
Mental health disorders are one of the most common causes of disability in the United States and bear the largest disease burden of any category of health conditions. An estimated54 millionAmericans live with a serious mental illness or mental health issues in any given year. ...
However, insomnia has not yet been systematically studied in a chronic musculoskeletal pain with disability population. This study assessed the prevalence and severity of patient-reported insomnia, as well as the relationship among insomnia, pain intensity, and depressive symptoms, in a chronic ...
These symptoms can include emotional distress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, and paranoia, as well as some challenging behaviors, so being proactive in identifying and treating them is important. The classes of psychotropic medications used to manage the behavioral and psychological symp...
Sleep disorders such as insomnia Depression Anxiety Job loss due to inability to be productive Health issues The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994, with additions in 1996, recognizes psychological abuse as domestic violence, a criminal, and a civil crime. Penalties for a domestic violence...
Among eight patients, acute grade 3 toxicities encompassed pain (n=3), radiation dermatitis (n=2), fatigue (n=1), insomnia (n=1), and dizziness (n=1) as the most prevalent presentations. The reports did not include any instances of grade 4 acute toxicities. No grade 3 late toxicities...
Another trialwill study daridorexant (sold as Quviviq), an orexin receptor antagonist, against placebo. The FDA approved daridorexant in 2022 as an insomnia treatment. A core issue in PTSD is sleep disruption, noted Davis. New Therapies on the Way ...
Niland B, Cash BD.Health benefits and adverse effects of a gluten-free diet in non-celiac disease patients.Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2018;14(2):82-91 Zylberberg HM, Demmer RT, Murray JA, Green PHR, Lebwohl B.Depression and insomnia among individuals with celiac disease or on a glu...
with lower migraine burden compared to physical activity during commuting or doing errands [72]. By virtue of being a lifestyle-based intervention, regular exercise not only helps reduce migraine attacks, but also helps control other known comorbidities such as obesity, depression, and insomnia. ...
and aging. A particular focus of Dr. Nadorff’s work has been examining the relation between insomnia symptoms, nightmares, and suicidal behavior. Dr. Nadorff is also interested in changes in suicidal behavior with age and investigating the efficacy and effectiveness of sleep treatments such as ...