IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND NOT lv_string CS INITIAL. WRITE: 'String is not empty'. ELSE. WRITE: 'String is empty'. ENDIF. 在这个例子中,使用NOT操作符将INITIAL关键字与字段lv_string结合使用,表示判断lv_string字段是否为空。 总之,INITIAL是SAP ABAP中的一个关键字,用于表达变量或字段的初始值,并且可...
ENDIF. ``` 4.使用`CONCATENATE`拼接字符串时的初始值检查: ```abap DATA lv_string TYPE string. lv_string = 'ABC'. IF lv_string IS INITIAL. " lv_string是初始值 ENDIF. ``` `IS INITIAL`语句在SAP ABAP中用于确保变量已经被赋值,避免使用未初始化的变量引发错误。©...
initial 是初始值得意思,就是判断变量是否为初始值,变量是不同的数据类型初始值也不一样,不一定是空,比如如果变量是日期类型,它初始值就有可能是‘00000000’.
initial 是初始值得意思,就是判断变量是否为初始值,变量是不同的数据类型初始值也不一样,不一定是空. 比如如果变量是日期类型,它初始值就有可能是 ‘00000000’. 改变日期类型为’0000’,满足space条件但是不满足is initial。会发生错误 所以在判断变量是否为初始值的时候应该用is initial SPACE 是什么 空白...
ABAP里的IS BOUND, IS NOT INITIAL和IS ASSIGNED这组关键字,如果平时不留心,很容易理解地似是而非。今天我们就来说一说它们的区别。 先把SAP帮助文档抄过来: IS BOUND It checks whether a reference variable contains a valid reference. A data reference variable that contains a stack reference, on the ...
ABAP里的IS BOUND, IS NOT INITIAL和IS ASSIGNED这组关键字,如果平时不留心,很容易理解地似是而非。今天我们就来说一说它们的区别。 先把SAP帮助文档抄过来: IS BOUND It checks whether a reference variable contains a valid reference. A data reference variable that contains a stack reference, on the ...
IS INITIAL:用于检查一个变量的值是否为其数据类型对应的初始值。 比如我定义一个引用变量但不对其赋值,则IS INITIAL判断一定为abap_true. IS ASSIGNED:对于检测的field symbol,该关键字判断该field symbol是否分配有内存区域。 这三个关键字交织在一起,就形成了一些有趣的排列组合。
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, This means if not the value of the field is ' ' (in case of char) or 0 in case of int. say var = 'xxx' now if not var is initial . endif. it will check for the value of var it is not ' '.so it will get inside and do the proc...
SAP ABAP Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is a client in SAP terminology? 2. What is a SAP system? 3. What is the means ovksinfotech@gmail.comContacts: No.57/23, CIT Nagar, 1st Floor, 4Th Main Road, Nandanam, Chennai-600 035 Landmark: Near to CIT Bus Stop. Mobile: +91 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, To put it in simple words, there is no difference beteween using a NODE & TABLE keyword in the context of a Logical Database. You are better of not using it as moving forward (into ABAP Objects), you will not be able to.. Regards, Suresh Da...