doi:10.1057/jit.2012.2Allen S LeeJournal of Information TechnologyDavison, R., and Martinsons, M. (2011). IS Research Methods: Inclusive or Exclusive? Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Information Technology Forthcoming.
Another one of my lunchmates is a linguist and he asserted that when we say “or” wealwaysmean inclusive or—even though it seems that we’re using exclusive or. For example, the patron above could have asked for both coffee and tea, it is just that that isn’t usually done. What ...
There is no rule as to when between can be considered inclusive or exclusive, and the grammatical structure of the relevant sentence would not affect this. You may be able to make deductions or assumptions from the subject and context of the sentence itself or surrounding sentences, but that w...
make economic globalization more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable, and ensure that more of the fruits will be shared more equitably by people across the world.
Inclusive and Exclusive Language.Identifies a group of people as the 'enemy' and consistently places them as separate to the rest of usThis technique should be used sparingly and only when there are two clear sides to the debate. for example: teachers or students. Brings the audience INTO the...
I. Culture and Intercultural Communication Culture:●Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks. (Sapir, 1921)●Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes. (R. Kohls, ...
a value of TRUE only if both itsoperandshave different values. Contrast with theinclusive OR operator, which returns a value of TRUE ifeitherof its operands is TRUE. Whereas an inclusive OR can be translated “this, that, or both,” an exclusive OR means “this or that, but not both....
A general equation for finding the probability of either event A or event B occurring must include a consideration for mutually inclusive events: P(AorB)=P(A)+P(B)–P(AandB) If the events are mutually exclusive, then the P(A and B) would be zero. If ...
because they believe that they'll have more fun at home. But inclusive thinking comes into play, and they start to consider the cost of skiing. They decide to stay and ski because they don't want to lose the money. Their initial exclusive thought was to go home, but when they inclusiv...
Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos extended best wishes for success to the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation which will take place in Beijing on May 14-15, in an exclusive statement with Xinhua in Athens. "Family planning" for Siberian tigers in China Chinese researchers...