One may think that it is the book writer who is in the best position to do film adaptations. In fact, sometimes authors are very involved in the process and may even be the screenwriter. This can actually be a disadvantage because they may be too close to the material and find it diffi...
In-person: this hyphenated word is an adjective, a word that tells us "what kind of." Many adjectives are hyphenated words, but writing guides caution us from using too many hyphenated words as adjectives, and against stringing many words together as a single hyphenated word adjective. For ex...
One might forget whether "abracadabra" is hyphenated or not, or get the last few letters wrong on "rhinoceros", but even the poorest of spellers can make a reasonable stab at almost anything. By contrast, often even the most well-educated Chinese have no recourse but to throw up their ...
Here are some examples of hyphenated words: best-seller, two-year-old, pre-Hanukkah, and anti-racist. An em dash cannot be used as a hyphen (and a hyphen, likewise, cannot be used as a hyphen). The rules for hyphenating words are extensive, but here's a quick reference list to get...
hyphenated words of varying length tubes that carry the information we used to store in books but also store on disks inside of boxes with blinking lights consumption of meat and meat like products As you can see, these are top of mind subjects that any podcast listener would find to be ut...
Directions:Suppose you have taken part in a career planning seminar. Write an account o f the seminar and summarize what you have learnedfrom it. You will have 30 minutesf or this task and should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. ...
Spaceball 2000 (Mac/Win, ~20MB, free) - A great little sci-fi-themed ball-bouncing physics-based platform-puzzle game (could I have worked any more hyphenated phrases in there?!). Use the [arrow] keys to move and build bouncing momentum as you work your way to the key card that open...
The wordnon sequiturhas itsrootsin ancient Latin, where it means “does not follow.” Note the letteruat the end, before ther, innon sequitur, instead of the –erending common in English words. In writing,non sequituris not hyphenated. ...
My attorney in fact ceased the day/hour/my mother passed. Question: If you have been selected by a parent to be their power attorney with witnesses and notary present, all paperwork in order, can a judge rule that your power attorney be voided because siblings are unhappy concerning the per...
(2016, p. 13) describe their approach as follows: “The expressions include permutations of cyber or cybersecurity risk or attack and data or information or network breach (hyphenated or spaced and case insensitive).” Amir et al. (2018) utilize a severity index obtained from Gemalto (an ...