InvalidStateError: The object is in an invalid state 是一个在多种编程环境中都可能遇到的错误,特别是在处理异步操作、媒体播放、文件读写等场景。以下是一些可能导致此错误的原因及相应的解决方法: 1. 异步操作未完成 在某些编程环境中,如JavaScript,当你尝试在一个异步操作(如获取数据、加载资源等)完成之前访问...
这是语法 我一开始这么写的 create function fun_test101(vid number) return number(10) is usenum number(10); begin select usenum into usenum from t_account where id=vid; return usenum; end; 因为写了长度,调用的时候发生了错误 谨记,参数类型和返回类型不要写长度 并且函数和过程一般写错了,调用...
oracle 的自定义的存储函数遇到的 package or function is in an invalid state 这是语法 我一开始这么写的 create function fun_test101(vid number) return number(10) is usenum number(10); begin select usenum into usenum from t_account where id=vid; return usenum; end; 因...
vSphere Replication operation error: Virtual machine is in an invalid state. The reprotect task fails at 89% Environment VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 5.1.x Cause As part of the reprotect workflow, Site Recovery Manager (SRM) reconfigures replication in the reverse direction. This causes ...
你去看看数据库里的function或者package里面有没有NO_VM_DROP_PROC 这个有问题
InvalidStateError: The object is in an invalid state The reason: This error happened on Safari browser because of the following JavaScript we wrote: //DOM element // JavaScript document.getElementById('datePicker').valueAsDate = new Date(); // Error InvalidStateError: The object ...
... ERROR [org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionCoordinator] (<thread-id>) ISPN000255: Error while processing prepare: com.arjuna.ats.jta.exceptions.InvalidTerminationStateException: ARJUNA016064: The transaction is in an invalid state! at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.Transaction...
Oracle Clinical - Version and later: View Creation Fails with ORA-06575: Package or function THES_VAL_xxxxx is in an invalid state - THES_VAL Function Compi
Message=The WebSocket is in an invalid state ('Aborted') for this operation. Valid states are: 'Open, CloseSent' StackTrace: at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.ThrowOnInvalidState(WebSocketState state, WebSocketState[] validStates) at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketBase.<ReceiveAsyncCore>d__1.Mo...
openstack instance is in invalid state for stop OpenStack实例停止状态无效的解决方法 作为一名经验丰富的开发者,我将向你介绍如何解决OpenStack实例停止状态无效的问题。在教授具体解决方法之前,我首先会提供整个解决过程的流程图和步骤表格。 解决流程图