Imago et similitudo Dei: the meaning of humans being God's image and likeness investigated from a Christianphilosophical perspective This investigation is an effort to determine the meaning of the Biblical revelation that human beings were created in the image and likeness of God and to do so ...
The reference to the imago Dei in 1 Corinthians 11:7 has been largely ignored, probably because what it seems to say is hardly popular. Can it be that women are not in the image of God? Nevertheless, if the passage is taken seriously, it provides a fresh understanding of the meaning ...
What if we viewed the study of the past as a form of public engagement? Even if the person we engage is dead, we can still enter into a conversation with the sources that he or she has left behind. If we take theImago Dei—the notion that all human beings are created in the image...
Tips to finding more tender mercies: Imago Dei LiberalisCope, Bill
Image is Everything? The Significance of the Imago Dei in the Development of African American YouthThe 1960s and 1970s ushered in an era of increased visual representations of the divine, including Albert Cleage's unveiling of the black Madonna and Child in Detroit, Michigan, in 1967 and the...
(1 Cor 11:7): "Unveiling" the Understanding of the Imago Dei', Scriptura: International Journal of Bible, Religion and Theology in Southern Africa 108.1 (2011): 314-25.Williams, DT 2011. `Unveiling' the understanding of the imago Dei. Scriptura 108:314-25....