Synthetic identity theft.In this type of exploit, a thief partially or completely fabricates an identity by combining different pieces of PII from different sources. For example, the thief might combine one stolen Social Security number with an unrelated birthdate. This type of theft is usually d...
Under California law, a wobbler is a crime that prosecutors can charge either as a felony or a misdemeanor. Usually, the prosecutor has the discretion of choosing, although sometimes judges may as well.In certain instances, a defendant convicted of a wobbler felony may file a petition to chang...
It doesn't matter so much on if it's a felony or misdemeanor. Most misdemeanors the state isn't going to want you bad enough to bring you back from very far. For most felonies, they will. However, I have a friend who has a felony warrant for identity theft from a state about 2,...
Felony fraud is a crime that involves using deceptive actions to harm another party or benefit personally, usually involving a...
Wanted Person File: Records on criminals (including juveniles who may have been tried as adults) for whom a federal warrant or a felony or misdemeanor warrant is outstanding. National Sex Offender Registry File: Records on people who are required to register in a jurisdiction’s sex offender reg...
Wanted Person File: Records on criminals (including juveniles who may have been tried as adults) for whom a federal warrant or a felony or misdemeanor warrant is outstanding. National Sex Offender Registry File: Records on people who are required to register in a jurisdiction’s sex offender reg...
Negotiates a Plea Bargain Approximately97% of criminal cases in Californiaend in a plea bargain. Plea bargains offer many potential advantages, such as the ability to plead guilty to a misdemeanor instead of potentially being convicted of a felony. ...
The maximum state penalty for felony forgery is16 months in state prisonor 2-3 years in a county jail. They also may be required to pay restitution and up to $10,000 in fine. A misdemeanor forgery conviction typically faces a year in county jail plus smaller financial penalties. ...
Is impersonation a felony? (2)(a) Criminal impersonation is aClass III felonyif the credit, money, goods, services, or other thing of value that was gained or was attempted to be gained was one thousand five hundred dollars or more. ...
which was used to bully a teenager who later committed suicide. The defendant was found guilty of a misdemeanor because she exceeded her authorization to use MySpace, a CFAA violation. However, a federal judge overturned this conviction, concluding that the charge exceeded the legal authority of ...