ibis Paint X 是一款流行的多功能绘图应用程序,作为一个系列,总下载量超过 4 亿次,它提供了 47000 多种画笔、21000 多种材料、2100 多种字体、84 种滤镜、46 种网纹、27 种混合模式、记录绘图过程、描边稳定功能,各种标尺功能,例如径向线标尺或对称标尺,以及剪贴蒙版
iPad can run a string of exceptional design programs, such as Ibis Paint, Affinity, Autodesk Graphics, and, the iPad-exclusive design app, Procreate. However, many programs are unavailable or simplified on iPad, for example, the industry standard apps from Adobe Creative Cloud. Even though Adob...