ibis Paint X 是一款流行的多功能绘图应用程序,作为一个系列,总下载量超过 4 亿次,它提供了 47000 多种画笔、21000 多种材料、2100 多种字体、84 种滤镜、46 种网纹、27 种混合模式、记录绘图过程、描边稳定功能,各种标尺功能,例如径向线标尺或对称标尺,以及剪贴蒙版
In the first round of competition, we will make a general head-by-head comparison between iPad and drawing tablets for beginner and intermediate artists. Feel free to scroll down to catch the showdown between iPad Pro and professional drawing tablets if you are looking for something more advance...
白拣 bái jiǎn a cheap choice; to choose sth that costs nothing 白描 bái miáo line drawing in traditional ink and brush style; simple and straightforward style of writing 白搭 bái dā no use; no good 白撞 bái zhuàng (car) accident where the driver is not held responsible 白文...